Stephen J. Pacuta
Pachuta Data Form completed on January 25, 2002
Name:       Stephen J.  Pacuta
Spouse:     Carol A. Pacuta

Address:    1780 Truckee Way, Salinas CA 93906


Can trace back heritage to Slovakia: 1901 - 1920
Contact:    Yes
Born:         Trenton, NJ  -  December 5, 1942

Relatives located in New Jersey only

Parents:  Grandfather's name - John Pacuta, father Steve Pacuta, Aunt Annie Pacuta, Uncle Mike Pacuta, Uncle John Pacuta, Aunt Mary Pacuta

Children:  Sheryl .born 12-12-1964, Stacey born 11-4-1966, Karen born 4-12-70

Questions:  Are there any relatives out there that may be related to Steve Pacuta married to Edith Von Scheven?

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