Julie Minarchek Wills
Pachuta Data Form completed on February 20, 2001
Name:       Julie Minarchek Wills
Spouse:     David Allen Wills

Address:    201 Aultman Ave. NW, Canton, OH 44708

Email:       thewills7@cs.com

Can trace back heritage to Slovakia  1881 - 1900
Contact:    Yes
Born:         Delaware, Ohio - December 29, 1960

Relatives located in O
hio, Texas, New York, West Virginia, Virginia

Parents:  I
am Jack's cousin. my mom is Ann Pachuta Minarchek who was Jack's father's sister. My sister is Rosemary Minarchek Fry who lives in San Antonio, Texas. my other sisters are Carol Minarchek McGlone (Reynoldsburg, Ohio) and Mary Minarchek Krueger (Dayton, Ohio). My brothers are Mike Minarchek (Bethel, Ohio),  Joe Minarchek (Delaware, Ohio), and James Minarchek (Waldo, Ohio).

Children:  I
have five children: Matt (14yrs), Ben (13 yrs), Audrey (10 yrs), Melissa (7 yrs), and James (2 yrs). we live in Canton, Ohio so if you ever want to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame, please contact me and I'll make you lunch!

And If you're in Canton, the Pro Football Hall of Fame is located here, look me up!

Email Julie

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